Philipp Pallitsch

Philipp Pallitsch is a partner at DORDA since 2025. He specialises in public commercial law, with a particular focus on construction and regional planning law, as well as public procurement law and construction contract law. He provides comprehensive advice, in particular to project applicants and municipalities in spatial planning, construction, commercial and nature conservation (authorisation) procedures. He specialises in advising and supporting public and private procurement projects.
Philipp Pallitsch is the author of numerous specialist publications on building and regional planning law, in particular commentaries on the Vienna Building Code (Manz) and on Burgenland, Lower Austria and Carinthia building law (Linde Verlag), as well as on public procurement law. Furthermore, he regularly lectures in his areas of specialisation at various renowned seminar organisers.
Before joining DORDA, he was an associate and lawyer at a large, internationally orientated Austrian law firm and then worked for 18 years as a lawyer, 14 of which as a (name) partner, in a law firm specialising in public commercial law.
University of Vienna, Mag iur (1999)
University of Vienna, Dr iur (2000)
Danube University Krems, LL.M. (2007)
Österreichischer Rundfunk
Project media location Küniglberg in terms of construction, construction contract and public procurement law supportFamilypark GmbH
Spatial planning and nature conservation support for expansionEsterhazy-Gruppe
Construction and commercial law support for projects, e.g. Hotel GalánthaIG-Immo/BLM-Gruppe
Construction and commercial law support for projects, e.g. 3 hotels on Perspektivstrasse and the Guntramsdorf logistics centreARGE A26
Procurement law and construction contract support for stage 1 A 26 Linz motorway